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Titicaca lake, Urus tour 1/2 day Islands in the Titicaca, culture alive Culture alive, Urus tour Islands of Taquile Women in a ceremony Practicing live tissue


A boat ride of 25 minutes to the island of Uros. Fishermen and hunters inhabit the floating islands of Uros. The residents of the Uros use the totora reed (aquatic plant) that grows in the lake, to create life conditions and ensure that the islands stay afloat. The dense roots that generate these plants support the island. The Uros use the totora reed to build their islands, houses, for cooking, eating, and to sale in the city of Puno, besides to barter (exchange) with products such as quinoa, potatoes, barley and wool. This culture appeared over 3000 years ago and the people have spoken as a language Uro puquina and they had dark-colored blood and they did not feel cold, the last person who still spoke the Uru Puquina language died in 1951, now a day the population speak Aimara Language. On Uros live more than 1000 people, divided into 50 artificial islands, where there is a garden, primary school, a medical center and an Adventist church, besides guest rooms for visitors and the reed boats the unique method of transportation which is also used for fishing. Then a return trip to Puno.


Departure by car to Sillustani. The archaeological complex of Sillustani is located 34 km northwest of Puno city, a car trip of 50 minutes. Sillustani is a peninsula, where on the top of the hill lies a cemetery, stone tombs (Chullpas) from pre-Inca times, up to 12 meters high built by Kolla and Inca religious leaders 3000 years ago to bury their leaders, there are over 90 tombs of different sizes and shapes. Umayo lagoon lies at the foot of the Chullpas which surrounds to Sillustani and adds a great beauty to the landscape. On the shores of the Lagoon you may observe some types of agriculture irrigations called waru waru, platforms surrounded by water channels which creates a special microclimate that served as protection for crops against frost, this technique was created by Pucara culture, developed by Incas and finally the locals still using them. Also there are different types of birds (flamingos) around the Lagoon and various wild animals as vizcachas (South American rodent).


Taquile Island is located 37 km away from Puno; the trip to Taquile Island by regular boat is 02:30 hours, by fastboat 01:00 hour. On the way we will stop to visit the Uros artificial islands. Taquile is famous for its craft production (declared cultural heritage of humanity), particularly for its beautiful textiles. The people still practice the moral principles of Inca as “Ama Sua” (do not steal) “Ama Quella” (do not be lazy) and “Ama Llulla” (do not lie) that are still used among inhabitants. The island is about 1.5 km wide and 5.7 km length. Taquile Island was a prison during the colonial period, now a day live 2000 people approximately, where people wear a special hat for example regarding the single or married and authorities. On the Island there is a kindergarten, primary and secondary schools, a health center and also a satellite phone. Visiting non-tourist areas you will appreciate the pre Inca temples, tombs and agriculture terraces (built by Pucara culture), its landscapes, traditional farming techniques and their customs. This visit can be tired, because its 565 steps to walk down to the main port, but worth it. Then a return trip to Puno.


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